President: Collier Shutter
7:00-7:15AM Arrival and Greetings
7:17 AM –Meeting called to Order and started with the pledge of allegiance and the 4 test.
4 Way Test - Is it the truth, Is it fair to all concerned, Will it build goodwill and better friendships, Is it beneficial to all concerned.
President Collier said Thank you to – Josh Traeger for greeting everyone on the last dark morning before Daily Savings Time and thank you to Mona for being the server this week.
Next Week’s server – Tristam
Next week’s greeter –
Next Week’s scribe – Nick
Collier mentioned that we will be putting in a rotation schedule for greeter, scribe and server to avoid overburdening our members.
GUESTS: Lissa, our speaker; Savannah, student Rotarian; Adam, our foreign exchange student; & Stan from the Noon club.
Next Week’s speaker will be Brett Morrison from the CT River Conservacy for the Brattleboro Hinsdale Greenway Project.
SCRIBE: Evelyn
Sargent At Arms – Justin
Speaker List – Lissa Weinman
Vito from Ramunto’s is having much better luck with his new breakfast set up. Orders are emailed to him and one of us serves the meals as they come up. This is a change from the buffet style he had previously.
SERVICE ABOVE SELF STORIES: Kevin’s neighbor once again helped him out with his lawn. Kevin had decided to let the backyard grow out and came home one day to find that Lee Leibowitz, his neighbor had mowed the entire front and back yard for him.
Josh was in Keene at Panera Bread…Tristam came in and said welcome Home!” to a group of vets having lunch. Tristam explained that this is an important greeting for veterans.
Student Rotarians – Savannah gave an update on the fundraiser the FBLA (Future Business Leaders) is doing. They are selling fleece jackets for $37 each. Donations can also be made directly to the club. The club has completed logos, finished OSHA training in several programs, and is now focusing on management and finance.
The Health Program at BMHS is looking for an assistant to help with the LNA & Health program.
Adam spoke about Soccer season being over and his next big thing is learning to ski jump. He is looking forward to that. Someone asked him how he found the school subjects here compared to his back home. He finds the subjects themselves are relatively easy but he feels challenged by the essays and other writing assignments.
Rotary Anniversaries – Toni 24 years. Congratulations!
Birthdays: none
Rotary announcements –
- Guest Stan from the noon club talked about their annual golf tournament. The Sunrise Rotary was the winner this year! More than $20,000 was raised. This is a major fundraiser for the Noon Rotary club and all funds raised go to area organizations such as the hospital and youth sports.
- Collier Shutter reminded everyone about the Bradley House 5K Halloween Hustle on Sunday, with pre-registration costing $30.
International – Tristam updated us on the progress with Wendell Yellowbull’s project for trade training. They have received the electrician starter kits. Their building is now powered, they are promoting and more importantly, they are getting applicants.
Tristam also updated us on the Amigos de Honduras Rotary program which started in 1998 after Hurricane Mitch. Josh and Collier
Rotary Brags –
Josh bragged about the chili cookoff organized by the Noon club and he challenged the noon club to match the $1000 raised by the Sunrise Chapter for Hurricane Help.
Stan from the noon club talks about how the club plans to continue the chili cookoff.
Tristan bragged about his recent 2 weeks off in Colorado for a wedding and the visit with his son & girlfriend. He also bragged about Justin stepping in to chauffer his mom (Tristan’s) to medical appointments. Justin said she made it easy with snacks.
Sandy bragged about the last History Tour of the season. They had 18 participants and raised $350 for the club. Josh’s daughter Ayla even had a snippet about Brattleboro’s contribution during the civil war. She had recenty done a school paper on the subject.
Melissa bragged about how nice it is to bring your vehicle for sesrvicing to someone she knows .(Dan) and that ran into Sandy at the Co-op.
Justin has just been to another event by his favorite Irish Rock Band: Drop Kick Murphy. He mentioned that they will go to any area strike and play music for the picketers.
Jim bragged that the Yankees had won the previous night’s game in the world series thus preventing a clean sweep by the dodgers.
Nick bragged about his kids. Jax had his first PT conference and his teachers commented on how community minded he is. And he thanks his teachers at the end of classes. Caroline is active in gymnastics and dance and has mastered a particularly hard gymnast feat.
Cards – Ace of hearts - No winner
Speaker 8:00AM Will introduced Lissa Weinman from Brattleboro Words Trail Project. She gave us a little background about herself. She has a long history of community involvement in the Brattleboro area. For example, She has been a member of the VT Yankee Decommissioning Panel for 5 years. This morning’s talk was on the progress of the Brattleboro Words Trail. This extensive project involves approximately 60 key sites in the town that focus on historical and literary figures. The project includes a book “Print Town” and a free app available on all platforms. The Amtrak Station will feature a mural/map that will show the sites. There will be hardcopy maps available as well as QR codes that will bring you to pertinent information. Sunrise Rotary will be an important partner to help maintain the exhibit for the benefit of the townspeople and visitors to the station. Brooks Library will be housing
An escrow account for future maintenance needed. The escrow account can also pay for additional 5 years on the software platform.
Members expressed their gratitude and excitement for the future of this wonderful endeavor for our area.
Meeting Concluded – 8:27AM