Immediate Past President Marcy started her the meeting with this day in History…......  
On this day in 1782, in Newburgh, New York, General George Washington, the commander in chief of the Continental Army, creates the “Badge for Military Merit.” The badge was to be presented to soldiers for “any singularly meritorious action” and permitted its wearer to pass guards and sentinels without challenge. The honoree’s name and regiment were also to be inscribed in a “Book of Merit.”
1987-Lynne Cox braves the freezing waters of the Bering Strait to make the first recorded swim from the United States to the Soviet Union. Her rigorous training regimen included regularly swimming in water at between 38 and 42 degrees Fahrenheit. Cox–who rarely swam in a wetsuit regardless of water temperature–donned just a swimsuit as she set out from the shores of Little Diomede, Alaska, about 350 miles north of Anchorage, in water just above freezing. With a team of physiologists monitoring her swim, Cox stayed in the water for 2 hours and 16 minutes, crossing the international dateline and continuing all the way to Big Diomede on the coast of the Soviet Union, 2.7 miles up the Bering Strait. Her swim is considered one of the most incredible cold-water swims in history.
Quote for the day……”Ah summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it” , Russell Baker
No official greeter this morning but Bethany was there with a smile o say good morning and next week KJ will be there with hugs for everyone.
Christian Heiden - guest speaker
John Mabie- Nooner and Valerie’s husband
  1. Tom- sent around June board meeting minutes and needs them approved, so please respond!!!
  2. Josh T- created a BSR team for the Whitingham Lions Bike Tour on 9/28 (32 miles)This fundraiser will support their food drive. If interested please contact Josh, if you are not into riding 32 miles then make a donation to the cause.
  3. Mona- reminded us that Load the Latchis is coming up on 8/21. If you can’t stop by that day Mona will collect items at the meeting the day before and make the drop off ofr you. 
BIRTHDAYS:           Marcy Caulkins – Thursday
ANNIVERSARIES:   Cindy & Lisa - 3 years
                                      Will - 18 years
                                       Ali & Kevin – 24 years (Charter Members)
CARDS:  6 of Clubs..… and the winner is ~  Michelle   WON  $44!!!!
Damon: Celebrated his 1-24 (First marriage, 24th year) anniversary with Kathryn!!
KJ: Is back finally from his 5-week hiatus in Germany. It was a great trip filled with lots of day drinking, lol. He did not attend any Rotary meetings even though they met literally across the street from where he was staying.
Jon: Bragged for his end of brief bachelorhood. The kids have been away to camp at Neringa and Kerry has been hiking the Long Trail.
Michelle: Bragged for Caroline surviving the bar exam and their recent trip to 6 Flags. Also celebrated Caroline getting engaged the day after taking the bar. 
Toni: Bragged for passing Level 1 of the CFA exam and for the week she got to spend with Brett in NC. Incredible graduation!
Jeff: Was out of town for the weekend connecting with his BFF of 40 years. He went to Texas as his friend is retiring from the Army after 35 years of service. Great trip!
Deb: Bragged for her friend who just had her 94th birthday. She took her out shopping and made a special day of it. 
Josh Unruh: After 16 years at New England Newspaper, Friday will be his last day. He starting a new adventure with Leader Home Center.
Marcy: Bragged for last swimming brag of the season, attended States and Rowan took 18 seconds off her time and placed 4th in the state! She is off to Green Mt. Conservation Camp on Sunday.
BOWL OF LIFE: This Rotarian went to Disney World for the first time as an 18 year old freshman in college.
Jon started us off guessing Mark who guessed me (Toni) who guessed KJ àBethany à Josh T à Deb Cox à Damon à Chris à Josh G à Rich à Kevin à Tom à and finally Jeff Dunklee!!
GUEST SPEAKERS:       Christian Heiden from Levo International
Levo International Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 2015 and incorporated in 2017. It is committed to enabling individuals to improve the conditions of their lives. Levo does that by advancing food stability in developing countries and food responsibility in the United States. Levo is evidence that we can all make a difference! There is no need to wait to take action.
Levo International came about because the Boy Scouts thought that the founder Christian Heiden’s Eagle Scout proposal was too ambitious. Christian had proposed the construction of a hydroponic greenhouse for an agency operating in Haiti, but the costs and risks associated with the project were outside what the Boy Scouts thought were prudent. Undeterred, Christian completed his Eagle Scout project building a greenhouse for his high school and then set out to do what he had always wanted to do.
With the help of his parents and brothers, a plan was put together and executed to begin to bring sustainable food supply to the most desperately poor country in the Western hemisphere. Thanks to the willing participation and support of Many Hands for Haiti, Christian, Bill and Nate Heiden built a demonstration greenhouse in July of 2016 on the Many Hands compound in Pignon, Haiti. 
A new team of young people joined the effort and in 2017. Eight hydroponic farming units were installed and are currently being piloted. In January 2018, Nate Heiden, our Field Scientist, went to Pignon for an extended stay to train up the Many Hands staff on the ground and to refine the processes they will use to scale up the operation.


  • Saves up to 90% of the water used in traditional agriculture
  • Easier to test and adjust Ph and nutrient levels
  • Less extensive root structures
  • Up to a 30% increase in fruit production
  • Plants mature up to 25% faster
  • Saves land space
  • Does not require arable land